You walk into your website to get an overview of it. But wait, instead of loyal visitors and increasing engagement, you find lots and lots of neglected content. Outdated information, broken links, and topics that haven’t connected with your audience in years. This is all a waste of content. How to correct it? You can revamp it with a thorough content audit.

What’s a Content Audit?

Content relevancy in a website is of prime importance. You can make sure of this through a website content audit.

Think of it as a deep clean for your website content. This comprehensive analysis helps you identify what works, what doesn’t, and what secret content needs a little polishing.

Why Should You Care About Content Audit?

Great question! You must know the importance of a content audit to maintain a strategic and effective digital presence.

Here’s why you must conduct a content audit for your website:

  • Boosts Traffic and Engagement

Auditing helps identify triggers and drop offs in your content. You can then focus your efforts on creating content that your audience actually wants to see, resulting in more website visitors and engagement.

  • Improves SEO

Google’s search engines love fresh, relevant content. A content audit uncovers outdated information and broken links, which can negatively impact your search ranking.

  • Maximizes ROI

Are you investing heavily in content but not seeing the desired results? An audit helps you identify areas for improvement, making sure your content marketing efforts works for your organization.

Conduct a website content audit if you want to maintain a competitive edge for your website. It’ll surely deliver you the results!

Want To Run a Content Audit? Here’s A Guide!

Conducting content analysis is a must if you want to optimize your digital content strategy and ensure your online presence is effective and efficient.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of conducting an SEO content audit, providing actionable steps and valuable insights to improve the performance of your content:

1. Define Your Goals

Do you want to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or better your conversions? Knowing your goals will guide the rest of the audit process.

2. Inventory Your Content

Create a spreadsheet listing all your website content (blog posts, landing pages, product descriptions, etc.). Include website information such as URL, content type, publication date, and author.

3. Measure Performance

This step is the most crucial. Leverage website analytics tools like Google Analytics to measure key metrics for each content piece. Consider factors like traffic, bounce rate (how many people leave after one page), time on page, conversions (desired actions like signups or sales), and social shares.

4. Analyze and Categorize

This is where your spreadsheet war room desk will be. Sort your content based on website performance. Here are some helpful categories:

  • Thriving Content

This content is high performing and achieving your goals. Keep it optimized and promote it further.

  • Needs Improvement

This content has potential but isn’t quite up to the mark. Analyze the reasons (outdated content, poor SEO) and develop a plan to rebuild.

  • Underperforming Content

This content isn’t generating the required traffic or engagement. You can either rewrite this content or remove it entirely from the website.

5. Develop an Action Plan

After knowing your content’s strengths and weaknesses, create a plan of attack. This might include:

  • Update

Refresh your outdated content with new information, visuals, and a call to action.

  • Optimize

Improve SEO by including relevant keywords, optimizing meta descriptions, and adding internal links to other valuable content.

  • Consolidate

Combine similar, underperforming content pieces into a stronger, more comprehensive resource.

  • Revamp

Give redundant content a complete makeover by focusing on the needs and current trends of the audience.

  • Removing

If content is irrelevant or doesn’t align with your goals, remove it from your website. 

A content audit isn’t a one time process. Conduct regular audits (quarterly or biannually) to keep your content kingdom thriving.

Ready to Take Action?

At Lyxel and Flamingo, we know the power of compelling content. Our team of content strategists can help you conduct a comprehensive content audit and develop a winning content strategy.

Transform your content from redundant to Google’s top ranking factor that attracts, engages, and converts your audience to customers. Contact us today for a consultation!