
Upgrade From
Google Analytics To GA4

Google Analytics will stop processing data from 1st July, 2023.

About GA4

Universal Analytics Will Cease Tracking Data On July 1, 2023, Due To The Increasing Emphasis On User Privacy Laws Worldwide And Technological Changes Such As Cookies.

As User Privacy Takes Centre Stage Globally, Regulations Have Been Raised, And Browsers And Platforms Are Updating Their Technologies, Including Cookies. Although A Privacy-Centric Ecosystem Is Beneficial For Society, It Presents A Challenge For Digital Marketers Since The Measurement Systems That Have Been Relied On For Years Will Soon Become Obsolete.

To Address These Industry Changes, Google Has Introduced A New And Advanced Version Of Google Analytics That Enhances The App And Web Properties' Foundation. It Is Designed To Be Privacy-Centric, Allowing You To Trust Analytics Even When Limitations On Cookies And Identifiers Create Data Gaps.

GA4 Enables You To Obtain A Comprehensive View Of Your Customers' Journey, Encompassing Their Interactions With Your Website Or App Across Various Devices. You Can Monitor Custom Events To Evaluate The Most Crucial Actions Related To Your Business And Obtain Real-Time Data To Make Informed Decisions Immediately.

Why GA4?
Cross-Device Tracking

By Understanding How Users Interact With Your Business Across Multiple Devices, You Can Know How Your Customers Are Interacting With Your Business And Help Optimise Their Experience.

Real Time

Real-Time Data And Tracking Of Custom Events Enable Near-Real-Time Insights Into User Interactions With Your Business, Facilitating Quick Data-Driven Decisions And Optimisation Of Marketing Efforts.

By Monitoring Specific User

By Monitoring Specific User Actions On Your Website Or App, Known As "Custom Events," You Can Gain Valuable Insights Into Which Interactions Are Crucial To Your Business And Adjust Your Marketing Strategies Accordingly For Maximum Impact.

Comply With Privacy Requirements

GA4 Is Built With Customers' Privacy At The Forefront And Collects Data Ethically And Responsibly To Meet Any Current Privacy Compliance.


GA4 Employs Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms, Ensuring The Accuracy And Reliability Of The Data You Collect. With This Level Of Confidence In Your Data, You Can Make Informed Decisions With Full Confidence In The Accuracy Of Your Insights.

Custom Events

GA4 Provides The Flexibility To Track Custom Events On Your Website Or App, Which Enables Marketers To Gain Insight Into The Most Important Actions That Users Take. By Analysing This Data, Brands Can Refine Their Marketing Strategies To Focus on the actions that matter most to their business, maximising impact and ROI.

Our 5 Step Process

Setting up a new GA4 account or migrating from UA to GA4 can be a tough, long process with potential data loss. We work closely with brands and their teams to ensure that we simplify the process and help set up and monitor GA4.


Our team will analyse your existing Universal Analytics (UA) implementation to identify gaps between your current and desired tracking capabilities in GA4.


This is the most crucial part — and our team will determine what data will be essential to collect in GA4 and how to best set up Tag Manager. This will include understanding your business objectives, KPIs, and the events you want to track in GA4 by creating a measurement plan. We’ll map out your events and conversion tracking, event parameters, and user properties.


Install the GA4 tracking code on your website or app and set up the Enhanced Measurement feature to track user engagement events. Configure your data streams and connect them to your GA4 property, including setting up custom dimensions and metrics to capture additional data. Set up conversion tracking and Tag Manager to manage your GA4 tags, including remarketing and custom event tracking.


We’ll monitor your GA4 account for 10 days after implementation to make sure everything is working properly.


It's not only important to set up and migrate to GA4 but also to ensure that your teams make complete use of the new data platform at hand. We work with founders and marketing teams to train you to read and make the best use of GA4.

Snapshot of
new GA4 interface

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