You have built a visually appealing website with informative content that reflects your brand. Still, visitors just aren’t coming in the numbers you expected. There might be technical issues hindering your website’s performance.

Your website can benefit from a technical audit. Think of it as a deep dive into the inner workings of your site, identifying areas for improvement and ensuring a smooth experience for users and search engines.

What is a Technical Website Audit?

A technical website audit is a comprehensive analysis that examines the technical aspects of your website. This includes factors like crawlability and indexability, mobile friendliness, page speed, security, and technical errors that impact the performance of your site. 

By conducting technical auditing, you can identify any issues that may be hindering your website’s performance and fix them on time. You can perform Technical SEO audits manually or with the help of various tools and software.

Why is a Technical Audit Important?

For business success, you need to ensure the optimal performance of your website or digital platform. You can make sure of this with a technical audit. 

By addressing these technical aspects, you can tap into the benefits for your website:

  • Boost Search Engine Rankings

Search engines rank websites that offer a positive user experience. A technical audit can help you identify and fix issues that may be dragging down your rankings.

  • Enhance User Experience

Nobody wants to use a slow and cumbersome website. A technical audit makes sure your website is fast, user friendly, and mobile responsive, keeping visitors engaged and coming back for more.

  • Increase Organic Traffic

By improving your search engine ranking and user experience, a technical audit drives organic traffic. Visitors will be able to find your website organically through search engines.

A well-optimized website converts visitors into leads or customers more effectively. Conduct a technical audit of your site and see the results in real time. 

How to Conduct a Technical Website Audit?

A technical audit is an indispensable tool for maintaining and improving the technical health of a website. How to do it? Follow this approach:

  1. Free Online Tools

These free online tools can be your starting point. Use them while conducting technical audits:

  • Google Search Console

This essential tool from Google provides valuable insights into website health, including crawl errors, mobile usability issues, and basic SEO factors.

  • GTmetrix

It assesses your website’s loading speed and offers specific recommendations for improvement.

  1. Manual Checks

While automated tools streamline website assessments, you can also conduct manual checks to make a thorough evaluation of your site’s functionality, design, and user experience. 

  • Broken Links 

Broken links on your website can lead to a frustrating user experience and should be fixed. Identify them on time.   

  • Image Optimization

Make sure all images have descriptive alt text that accurately reflects the image content. This helps search engines understand your content and improves accessibility for visually impaired users as well.

  • Mobile Responsiveness

Your website should display and function flawlessly on all devices. Use your smartphone or a mobile emulator to browse your website and check for responsiveness issues.

  1. Website Logs 

Your website’s server logs carry useful information. These logs record every interaction with your website, including requests from search engine crawlers. By analyzing your logs, you can identify crawl errors and understand how search engines interact with your site. 

Remember: A technical website audit is an ongoing process. As your website evolves and search engine algorithms change, conducting regular audits will help to maintain optimal performance.

Let Lyxel and Flamingo Be Your Pit Crew!

A technical website audit can be a complex process. You wouldn’t attempt to overhaul your car’s engine yourself. That’s where Lyxel and Flamingo come in. Our team of experienced professionals has the expertise to conduct a thorough technical audit of your website, identifying areas for improvement and providing actionable recommendations.

We don’t just identify problems – we help you fix them! Don’t let technical gremlins hold your website back from success. Contact us today for a consultation and unlock your website’s true po