
IndiGo gets 48% incremental sales at similar Return on Ad Spend via brand control beta on Broad Match


The results are quite satisfactory with the brand control beta feature. Despite facing intense competition for our brand terms, which is a significant challenge given the nature of our business, this feature has proven instrumental in achieving our objectives. Through concurrent A/B/C testing and experiments alongside our existing campaign, we not only broadened our reach but also managed to maintain a controlled ROAS.


IndiGo is India’s biggest flight operator in terms of revenue market share as well as supply. Their brand terms are aggressively bid for by all online travel aggregators and they were unable to scale their brand campaigns beyond a point without a significant loss in Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)



We enabled the new brand control beta to solve for incremental reach at a controlled RoAS. To facilitate clear incrementality testing, we set up a new experiment which tested this beta in parallel with the existing brand campaign.


Partnering with Lyxel & Flamingo: The agency set up the campaigns and managed the keyword lists to ensure a clear and actionable result.


Incremental Sales
Better CVR
Better Average Ticket Size
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