Secure your digital future with our trusted cybersecurity services.

Empowering organizations with comprehensive cybersecurity solutions
and expertise to safeguard digital assets from evolving threats.


    Scope Definition

    • Identify the scope and objectives.
    • Determine the systems, networks, and assets.
    • Define the audit boundaries and limitations.

    Documentation Review

    • Review existing policies, procedures, and documentation.
    • Evaluate compliance.
    • Assess the effectiveness of security controls and incident response plans.

    Risk Assessment

    • Identify potential threats and vulnerabilities.
    • Evaluate the impact and likelihood of risks.
    • Prioritize risks based on their severity.

    Technical Assessment

    • Conduct vulnerability scans and penetration testing.
    • Assess the effectiveness of access controls, encryption, and authentication mechanisms.
    • Evaluate network infrastructure, firewall configurations, and security architecture.

    Compliance Evaluation

    • Assess compliance with relevant regulations and industry standards.
    • Review data protection practices and privacy controls.
    • Evaluate the organization’s adherence to legal and regulatory requirements.

    Security Incident Response Evaluation

    • Review incident response plans and procedures.
    • Assess the organization’s ability to detect, respond to, and recover from security incidents.
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of incident management and communication processes.

    Gap Analysis and Finding

    • Identify gaps and vulnerabilities based on the assessment findings.
    • Prioritize recommendations for improvement.
    • Provide a comprehensive report highlighting areas of concern and suggested remediation actions.

    Remediation and Action Plan

    • Develop a roadmap for addressing identified vulnerabilities and risks.
    • Define clear action items, responsibilities, and timelines.
    • Provide guidance and support for implementing recommended security enhancements.

    Follow-Up and Continuous Improvement

    • Conduct periodic reviews to ensure the implementation of recommended security measures.
    • Monitor emerging threats and industry best practices.
    • Continuously improve cybersecurity practices based on lessons learned and evolving risks.
    • 01

      Vulnerability Assessments

      • Identifying weaknesses and vulnerabilities in systems, networks, and applications.
      • Conducting scans and assessments to assess potential entry points for attacks.
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    • 02

      Penetration Testing

      • Simulating real-world attacks to test the effectiveness of security controls.
      • Identifying vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers.
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    • 03

      Incident Response

      • Developing and implementing plans to respond effectively to security incidents.
      • Conducting investigations, mitigating damage, and restoring systems to normal operation.
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    • 04

      Security Architecture Design

      • Designing secure network architectures and infrastructure.
      • Developing security policies, standards, and guidelines.
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    • 05

      Security Awareness Training

      • Educating employees about best practices for cybersecurity.
      • Raising awareness about social engineering, phishing, and other common threats.
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    • 06

      Security Consulting and Advisory

      • Providing expert guidance on cybersecurity strategies and risk management.
      • Assisting organizations in implementing security frameworks and compliance requirements.
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    • 07

      Security Audits and Assessments

      • Conducting comprehensive audits to evaluate security controls, policies, and procedures.
      • Assessing compliance with industry regulations and standards.
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    • 08

      Managed Security Services

      • Monitoring networks and systems for potential threats and intrusions.
      • Offering 24/7 threat detection and response capabilities.
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    • 09

      Data Privacy and Protection

      • Assessing data handling practices and ensuring compliance with privacy regulations.
      • Implementing encryption, access controls, and data loss prevention measures.
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    • 10

      Cloud Security Services

      • Evaluating cloud environments for security vulnerabilities.
      • Implementing security measures specific to cloud-based services.
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    • 11

      Mobile Security

      • Assessing mobile device security and implementing mobile application security controls.
      • Securing mobile device management and data protection.
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    • 12

      Identity and Access Management

      • Implementing secure authentication mechanisms.
      • Managing user access controls, privileged access, and identity governance.
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    • 13

      Security Awareness and Phishing Simulations

      • Conducting phishing simulations to educate employees and assess their susceptibility.
      • Providing customized training to improve awareness and response to phishing attacks.
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    • 14

      Network Security

      • Designing and implementing firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and secure network architectures.
      • Monitoring network traffic for potential threats and anomalies.
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    Our Services

    Media Creative Optimisation

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    Cloud Services

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    Media Operations

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    Full funnel marketing

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    Third Party Marketplaces

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    Shopify Plus

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